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Mites are the most common external parasite of pet rodents. It is possible for them to get fleas from infected cats and dogs but it isn't likely. The treatment I describe is basically for mites however it will work with any parasite since it treats the environment and the Ivomec® makes the animal poisonous to parasites.
Mites are from the arachnid family (spiders). They spend part of their lives living off of vegetation like in your bedding or food mix. This is one way they come into your home. Another way is by your handling or being near enough to infested animals to pick up some. Like at a pet store or another animal owners home. The third way is by an infected animal coming into your house - whether purchasing and not quarantining them or having wild Mice, Rats or Birds move into your home. While mites will bite humans they cannot complete their life cycle on humans alone. They need a furry host for that. This is a picture of a blood-engorged mite next to a penny.
Although I can not prescribe anything for anyone, I will outline what works for me. It's up to you to use your own judgment on what parts if any you wish to use in treating mites.
Here's what I use:
Ivomec® is an
injectable solution used on cows and swine to make them poisonous to parasites. Given orally to rodents (never dogs or cats) it makes them
poisonous to mites. I don't treat groups with nursing pups. If it is a bonded pair situation, I split cage the pair so I can treat everyone once
the pups are weaned. There has been some discussion in the Rat and Mouse circles about Ivomec® stunting growth in adolescents. I haven't seen
this with the Gerbils and Hamsters I've treated but I wait until they are 3-4 weeks of age.
Insect Liquidator® is a 3 way treatment. It kills the adult mites on the animals, their cages and accessories and it leaves a residue that kills
mites up to 6 weeks. It does permanently cloud plastic.
Spot® has the same active agents as A.I.L.®. If your cat or dog has access to the area you keep your Gerbils and hamsters, they can become hosts
works very well on mite bites for humans.
For pregnant females, nursing moms and nursing pups see the note at the bottom.
If you have long hair then tie it up and out of your way. Spray your clothes and your arms with A.I.L.® solution to limit the number of mites that will get on you. Remove the animal to a separate cage/carrier. Spray them down until they are soaked. They will automatically close their eyes as you spray them. Take a cotton swab and get some of the A.I.L.® into their ears.
Empty out the habitat. Spray the used bedding in the trash. Until the infestation is over provide only the very basic set-up. Do not put anything porous like wood or cardboard into their habitat. This is prime hiding area for the mites and their eggs. Metal, plastic and glass items are the best right now because they can be soaked in bleach water to kill the bugs. Soak all accessories in hot bleach water. Clean the habitat with bleach water. Make sure you get the bleach water into every nook and cranny of every item and the habitat. If using an aquarium, make sure you get under the plastic edges. Towel dry everything.
Spray a solution of A.I.L.® (per package directions) where the habitat is normally kept. Spray walls, counters and floor. They will hide and lay eggs in anything porous. Spray the habitat and any accessories you are putting back in - keep accessories to a minimum. I don't spray the water bottle or food dish. If you are using an aquarium with a screen cover this has to be cleaned and sprayed too.
Use the needle-less syringe to get the recommended oral doses of Ivomec® (.01 ml per 50 gm). This will be continued for 8 weeks.
1 cc = 1 ml
Treat your cats and dogs with Bio Spot® at the same time.
Use minimal bedding in the habitat and the bare essentials for the health and comfort of your pet. You will be going through this cleaning regimen once a week for 8 weeks. Once you start the cleaning process don't stop or detour. This increases the chance of spreading the mites.
After you have treated your pets seal and remove your trash. You need to immediately put all of your clothes in the washer at the hottest setting and take a nice, hot shower. Apply Ivarest® as needed. Head & Shoulders® is a good cleanser for hair and body.
These treatments and cleanings need to continue for the full 8 weeks or you risk being re-infested.
For pregnant females, nursing moms and nursing pups I do everything except spraying the pets with A.I.L.® and treating with Ivomec®. If the pets are a bonded breeding pair (Gerbils or Dwarf Hamsters) I split cage the male from the female and pups so the female won't be immediately impregnated after the next litter. Once the last batch of pups is weaned, I start on the cleaning and treatment program above. Until then, I keep them in an area separate from the other animals so they don't re-infest them. This will obviously make the entire process longer but I won't risk the health of the pups.