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Gerbil PortalGerbil Genes

Please feel free to contact me with questions regarding colors and genetics. An - is a wildcard. It's not known whether the dominant gene or the recessive gene is at that location. A ? means the gene has not been given an official letter designation yet. Genes are listed alphabetically and in order of dominance. You can see some of the colors by clicking on the color name. It's all pictures and will take time to load.
Snowy Desert Genetics CalculatorSnowy Desert Gerbils is putting together an online gene calculator. Pedagogica Explorer is an excellent, free genetics teaching program.
ColorsTo see examples of these colors go to the AGS Color Strip or The Gerbils Color Palette.
Genetics Tutor Program Genetics Tutor Program
Click the coin to see how nature decides who gets which gene.
White Bellied | Self Colored | Color Point | Spotted | Other

White Bellied colors are based on the wild (agouti) coloring of the Gerbil. Although called White Bellied the color runs from ivory to off-white. The hair shaft has two to three colors on it.

White Bellied Genetics
Agouti A- C- E- G- P-
Dark Eyed Honey (DEH) A- C- ee G- P-
Light DEH A- Ccb ee G- P-or
A- Cch ee G- P-
Gray Agouti A- C- E- gg P-
Pearl A- c-c- E- gg P-
Argente A- C- E- G- pp
Topaz A- Ccb E- G- pp
Argente Cream A- Cch E- G- pp
Polar Fox (PF) A- C- ee gg P-
Yellow Fox A- C- ee G- pp
Light Yellow Fox A- Ccb ee G- ppor
A- Cch ee G- pp
Ivory Cream or
Red Eyed PF
A- C- E- gg ppor
A- C- ee gg pp
White Bellied | Self Colored | Color Point | Spotted | Other

Self Colored are the same color on the belly as the back. The hair shaft is one solid color. There are usually white faults of white paws and a white chin that sometimes extends to a zipper as far as the genitals. The dilute gene dd is currently available in Europe only.

Self Colored Genetics
Black aa C- E- G- P-
Nutmeg aa C- ee G- P-
Slate aa C- E- gg P-
Lilac aa CC E- G- pp
Sapphire aa Ccb E- G- pp
Dove aa Cch E- G- pp
Silver Nutmeg (SN) aa C- ee gg P-
Red Fox aa C- ee G- pp
Ruby Eyed White (REW) aa C- E- gg pp
Pink Eyed White (PEW) aa cbch ee gg ppor
aa chch ee gg pp
Black Eyed White (BEW) aa chch ee gg P-
National Gerbil Society (UK)Gerbi lInformation Page (UK) Blue aa CC dd E- G- P-
Here are pictures showing the difference between Black and Slate.
Property of Purple Kat Kritters
Slate on the top
and Black on the bottom .
Property of Purple Kat Kritters
Slate and Slate Mottled on the top.
Black and Black Mottled on the bottom .
Property of Purple Kat Kritters
Slate on the left and
Black on the right .
Property of Purple Kat Kritters
Slate Spotted on the top and
Black Spotted on the bottom .
White Bellied | Self Colored | Color Point | Spotted | Other

Color Points all have some combination of the two partial albino genes (albinism). The development of color is heat dependent so the five points have the darkest color: ears, nose, paws, tail and genitals. Colors on the points should be the same as for a non-color point.

Color Point Genetics
CP Agouti A- cbcb E- G- P-
Dark Tailed White (DTW) A- chch E- G- P-
Burmese aa cbcb E- G- P-
Siamese aa cbch E- G- P-
CP Dark Eyed Honey A- cbcb ee G- P-
CP Nutmeg aa cbcb ee G- P-
CP Slate aa cbcb E- gg P-
CP Silver Nutmeg aa cbcb ee gg P-
White Bellied | Self Colored | Color Point | Spotted | Other

  • Spotted: Diamond on forehead, spot on neck and tip of tail
  • Pied: Spotted markings with a white collar (up to 50% white) and solid body
  • Mottled: Spotted or Pied markings with spots on rump (up to 75% white)
  • Extreme Mottled (EM): Mottled with an extreme amount of white on entire body
  • Dark Patch Pied (DPP): A Pied or Pied Mottled Gerbil with a color that has 2 or more genes and has a patch that is missing one of the genes. It may also be a form of Mosaic or Chimera.

Colors should be the same as for non-Spotted colors with 2 exceptions in the Other Category. The genetics are the same for the Spotting genes with the addition of Spsp. Non-Spotted is spsp and is often left off. SpSp is a lethal combination that dies in utero and is absorbed without harm to the mother or other pups. Spotting can occur with any color. These are just a few examples.

Spotted Genetics
Agouti A- C- E- G- P- Spsp
Gray Agouti A- C- E- gg P- Spsp
Black aa C- E- G- P- Spsp
Argente A- C- E- G- pp Spsp
Burmese aa cbcb E- G- P- Spsp
Lilac aa C- E- G- pp Spsp
Red Fox aa C- ee G- pp Spsp
White Bellied | Self Colored | Color Point | Spotted | Other

Schimmel is a color gene that fades with each molt. The pups will look like an ee pup until first molt. Honey Cream is a Light DEH that is also Spotted.

Other Genetics
Honey Cream (HC) A- Ccb ee G- P- Spspor
A- Cch ee G- P- Spsp
Schimmel -- C- efef G- P-
Red Eyed Schimmel (RES) -- C- efef G- pp
Champagne -- C- efef G- P- Spsp
White Bellied | Self Colored | Color Point | Spotted | Other
Gerbil graphics used with permission of

2009 Mid Atlantic Show
NE AGS ShowsMW AGS Shows
2008 AGS Virtual Gerbil Show
This page was last edited on October 12, 2011
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