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Dwarf Genes

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Please feel free to contact me with questions regarding colors and genetics. An - is a wildcard. It's not known whether the dominant gene or the recessive gene is at that location. A ? means the gene has not been given an official letter designation yet. Genes are listed alphabetically and in order of dominance. You can see some of the colors by clicking on the color name. It's all pictures and will take time to load.
Snowy Desert Genetics CalculatorSnowy Desert Gerbils is putting together an online gene calculator. Pedagogica Explorer is an excellent, free genetics teaching program.
Genetics Tutor Program Genetics Tutor Program
Click the coin to see how nature decides who gets which gene.
Chinese | Campbells Dwarf | Winter White Dwarf | Hybrid Dwarf | Roborovski Dwarf

Chinese Hamster PortalChinese Genes

The Chinese hamster isn't really a dwarf but is usually discussed with the Dwarfs because of their rarity. There are two genes for the Chinese and are both White Patterns. The color is the same as for non-pattern color. The genetics are the same except for the pattern genes.

White Patterns Genetics
Spotted Dsds
Black Eyed White DsDs
Piebald S-
Stripe Dsds S-
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Chinese | Campbells Dwarf | Winter White Dwarf | Hybrid Dwarf | Roborovski Dwarf

Campbells Dwarf Hamster PortalCampbells Dwarf Genes

Agouti Colors | Self Colored | White Patterns | Coat Types

Agouti Colors are based on the wild (agouti) coloring of the hamster. The belly color runs from ivory to off-white. The hair shaft has two to three colors on it. There is a dorsal stripe.

White Bellied Genetics
Normal (Wild) A- B- C- D- P-
Black Eyed Argente A- bb C- D- P-
Opal A- B- C- dd P-
Argente A- B- C- D- pp
Lilac Fawn A- bb C- dd P-
Beige A- bb C- D- pp
Blue Fawn A- B- C- dd pp
Blue Beige A- bb C- dd pp
Dark Gray A- B- C- D- dgdg P-
Agouti Colors | Self Colored | White Patterns | Coat Types

Self Colored are the same color on the belly as the back. The hair shaft is one solid color. There are usually white faults of white paws and a white chin that sometimes extends to a zipper as far as the genitals.

Self Colored Genetics
Black aa B- C- D- P-
Albino1 cc
Dilute2 didi
Umbrous uu
Chocolate aa bb C- D- P-
Blue aa B- C- dd P-
Dove aa B- C- D- pp
Black Eyed Lilac aa bb C- dd P-
Dark Beige aa bb C- D- pp
Red Eyed Lilac aa B- C- dd pp
Champagne aa bb C- dd pp
Black Eyed White1 didi Si-
Red Eyed White1 didi pp Si-
Agouti Colors | Self Colored | White Patterns | Coat Types

Colors should be the same as for non-pattern colors. The genetics are the same except for the pattern genes.

There are other patterns that show up now and then. Brindle has shown up in CA but could not be reproduced. Mosaic also shows up. Mosaic is a single patch of color that is missing one of the genes from the main body. So a mosaic Dove would have a Black or Argente patch.

White Patterns Genetics
Red Eyed Mottled3 Mimi
Black Eyed Mottled Mo-
Platinum4 Sisi
Agouti Colors | Self Colored | White Patterns | Coat Types

Coat types can be combined with any color. Satin tends to darken the color.

Coat Types Genetics
Rex rxrx
Satin sasa
Wavy wawa
Agouti Colors | Self Colored | White Patterns | Coat Types
  1. Albino and REW mask all colors. BEW masks all black eyed colors. All three mask all white patterns.
  2. Only expresses itself with Platinum to make BEWs and REWs.
  3. Homozygous form is an eyeless, toothless mini-white that dies by weaning.
  4. Homozygous form is lethal except when combined with the dilute gene. Fetus dies in utero and is absorbed by the mother resulting in a reduced litter size.
Campbells Dwarf Hamster Portal Dwarf Hamsters 101 Campbells Dwarf Hamter Health Issues Dwarf Hamster Breeding & Babies Breeding & Babies Pictures Campbells Dwarf Hamster Genetics Campbells Dwarf Hamster Colors Available Animals
Chinese | Campbells Dwarf | Winter White Dwarf | Hybrid Dwarf | Roborovski Dwarf

Winter White Dwarf Hamster PortalWinter White Dwarf Genes

Agouti Colors are based on the wild (agouti) coloring of the hamster. The belly color runs from ivory to off-white. The hair shaft has two to three colors on it. There is a dorsal stripe.

White Bellied Genetics
Normal (Wild) D-
Sapphire dd

Colors should be the same as for non-pattern colors. The genetics are the same except for the pattern genes. There is also a Mosaic pattern. This is a random pattern.

White Patterns Genetics
Pearl Pe-
Imperial1 Whwh
Merle ??
  1. Homozygous form is lethal - fetus dies in utero and is absorbed by mother resulting in reduced size of litters.
Winter White Dwarf Hamster Portal Dwarf Hamsters 101 Winter White Dwarf Hamter Health Issues Dwarf Hamster Breeding & Babies Breeding & Babies Pictures Winter White Dwarf Hamster Genetics Winter White Dwarf Hamster Colors Available Animals
Chinese | Campbells Dwarf | Winter White Dwarf | Hybrid Dwarf | Roborovski Dwarf

Hybrid Dwarf Hamster PortalHybrid Dwarfs

There are only two hamster species that can interbreed: Campbells Dwarf and Winter White Dwarf. There are problems associated with these matings and the offspring. While I'm not totally convinced it is a bad thing to create Hybrid Dwarfs, I don't see any real need to breed Hybrid Dwarfs. The problems for the hamsters and the public outweigh any possible benefit to creating Hybrid Dwarfs at this time.

Hybrid Dwarfs Genetics
Brown bb
Mushroom bb dd
Moscow ??
Mandarin mama
Orange/Pudding ??
Long Hair ??
Hybrid Dwarf Hamster Portal Dwarf Hamsters 101 Hybrid Dwarf Hamter Health Issues Dwarf Hamster Breeding & Babies Hybrid? Hybrid Dwarf Hamster Genetics Hybrid Dwarf Hamster Colors
Chinese | Campbells Dwarf | Winter White Dwarf | Hybrid Dwarf | Roborovski Dwarf

Roborovski Dwarf Hamster PortalRoborovski Dwarf Genes

There is only one gene for Roborovski Dwarfs and that is a White Pattern. The color is the same as for non-pattern color. The genetics are the same except for the pattern gene.

Surfing the net I've found reference to a couple more possible mutations. White Spot puts a small white spot on the back of the head of the animal. The other gene is being called Platinum. The animal starts off light colored and with each molt eventually turns white. This sounds less like a white pattern and more like the Gerbil Schimmel gene.

White Patterns Genetics
White Face Wh-
Roborovski Dwarf Hamster Portal Dwarf Hamsters 101 Roborovski Dwarf Hamter Health Issues Dwarf Hamster Breeding & Babies Breeding & Babies Pictures Roborovski Dwarf Hamster Genetics Roborovski Dwarf Hamster Colors Available Animals
Chinese | Campbells Dwarf | Winter White Dwarf | Hybrid Dwarf | Roborovski Dwarf
This page was last edited on June 28, 2011
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